Audit SiteMap XML

Audit SiteMap XML

Scott C. Krause | Monday, Feb 6, 2023

Online Calculator as a Service

Emerging Tech

Online Calculator as a Service
Accelerator Online ROI Calculator as a Service


Neodigm 55 Landing Page UX micro-library

Emerging Tech

Neodigm 55 Landing Page UX micro-library
Popups, Toast, Parallax, and SFX


UX Usability Heuristic Evaluation

Emerging Tech

UX Usability Heuristic Evaluation
HE Heuristic Evaluation


New Macbook Setup for Developers

Emerging Tech

New Macbook Setup for Developers
New Macbook Config for Devs 2023


WebAssembly WASM

Emerging Tech

WebAssembly WASM
Indispensable Curated WebAssembly Links


Curated PWA Links

Emerging Tech

Curated PWA Links
Indispensable Curated PWA Links


Curated GA4 Links

Emerging Tech

Curated GA4 Links
Indispensable Curated Google Analytics 4 Links


Curated SFDC Qlik Tableau Links

Emerging Tech

Curated SFDC Qlik Tableau Links
Curated Salesforce Qlik Tableau Links


Curated LWC Links

Emerging Tech

Curated LWC Links
Indispensable Curated LWC Links


Curated TypeScript Vue.js

Emerging Tech

Curated TypeScript Vue.js
Indispensable Curated Vue TypeScript


Creative 3D animation resources

Emerging Tech

Creative 3D animation resources
Indispensable Curated Creative Links


Transition to TypeScript

Emerging Tech

Transition to TypeScript
Indispensable Curated TypeScript Links


The Clandestine Dead Drop

Emerging Tech

The Clandestine Dead Drop
The Ironclad Clandestine Dead Drop



Emerging Tech

Indispensable Curated Svelte Links


Curated Blogfolios Links

Emerging Tech

Curated Blogfolios Links
Personal Websites


Curated JavaScript Links

Emerging Tech

Curated JavaScript Links
Indispensable Curated JavaScript Links


Curated Emerging Tech Links

Emerging Tech

Curated Emerging Tech Links
Indispensable Curated Tech Links


Cytoscape Skills Data Visualization

Emerging Tech

Cytoscape Skills Data Visualization
Persuasive Infographics & Data Visualizations


eCommerce Accessibility A11y

Emerging Tech

eCommerce Accessibility A11y
Accessibility Challenges Unique to eCommerce


Roll Dice in High-Fidelity 3D

Emerging Tech

Roll Dice in High-Fidelity 3D
Create 3D Dice with Strong Random Entropy


JS Airport Geo-Proximity Radius
JS Airport Geo-Proximity Radius
Airport geo-proximity logic that answers questions, like What are the three closest airports to me right now?
// Desc: Get the closest airports by geolocation radius
// Usage: closestAirports.find(-99, -99, oAirports, 4); // 4 miles

/*       ___           _                 _   _             
 *      / _ \___  ___ | | ___   ___ __ _| |_(_) ___  _ __  
 *     / /_\/ _ \/ _ \| |/ _ \ / __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
 *    / /_\\  __/ (_) | | (_) | (_| (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
 *    \____/\___|\___/|_|\___/ \___\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|  ✈️ */

function getDistance(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2) {
    let radlat1 = Math.PI * lat1/180;
    let radlat2 = Math.PI * lat2/180;
    let theta = lon1-lon2;
    let radtheta = Math.PI * theta/180;
    let dst = Math.sin(radlat1) * Math.sin(radlat2) + Math.cos(radlat1) * Math.cos(radlat2) * Math.cos(radtheta);
    if (dst > 1) dst = 1;
    dst = Math.acos(dst);
    dst = dst * (180/Math.PI) * (60 * 1.1515); // miles
    return dst;

let closestAirports = ((_d) => {
    return {
      "find": function(nLat, nLon, objPorts, nRadius){
        if(nLat && nLon && objPorts){
          let arrPorts = [];
          for (let prop in objPorts) { // Sort Object
            if (objPorts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
              let lat = objPorts[prop].geoCode.split(",")[0];
              let lon = objPorts[prop].geoCode.split(",")[1];
                'key': prop, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon,
                "dist": getDistance(lat, lon, nLat, nLon),
                "formattedAirport": objPorts[prop].formattedAirport
          arrPorts.sort(function(a, b){
            // Sort by Distance
            return a.dist - b.dist;
          return arrPorts.filter(function(aP){
            return (aP.dist <= nRadius);


Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
// Desc: Calculate Aspect Ratio of Viewport
// Usage: Console log getDims() onresize event of body
/*                            _     _____       _   _       
    /\                       | |   |  __ \     | | (_)      
   /  \   ___ _ __   ___  ___| |_  | |__) |__ _| |_ _  ___  
  / /\ \ / __| '_ \ / _ \/ __| __| |  _  // _` | __| |/ _ \ 
 / ____ \\__ \ |_) |  __/ (__| |_  | | \ \ (_| | |_| | (_) |
/_/    \_\___/ .__/ \___|\___|\__| |_|  \_\__,_|\__|_|\___/ 
             | |                                            
             |_|  🎯 */

const gcd = (a, b) => {
    return b
      ? gcd(b, a % b)
      : a;
const aspectRatio = (width, height)  => {
    const divisor = gcd(width, height);
    return `${width / divisor}:${height / divisor}`;

const getDims = function(){
    if(window.innerWidth !== undefined && window.innerHeight !== undefined) { 
      var w = Number( window.innerWidth )
      var h = Number( window.innerHeight )
      var a = aspectRatio( w, h )
    } else {
      var w = Number( document.documentElement.clientWidth )
      var h = Number( document.documentElement.clientHeight )
      var a = aspectRatio( w, h )
    return {"ratio": a, "h": h, "w": w};


Javascript Generate and Download CSV
Javascript Generate and Download CSV
Produce CSV with client-side JS. Construct Blog and Download as CSV file.
// Desc: Produce CSV with client-side JS. Contruct Blob and Download as CSV file
/*    _________   _____________   ____ __________.__        ___.    
 *    \_   ___ \ /   _____/\   \ /   / \______   \  |   ____\_ |__  
 *    /    \  \/ \_____  \  \   Y   /   |    |  _/  |  /  _ \| __ \ 
 *    \     \____/        \  \     /    |    |   \  |_(  <_> ) \_\ \
 *     \______  /_______  /   \___/     |______  /____/\____/|___  /
 *            \/        \/                     \/                \/    CSV Report */

  The resulting CSV files will contain a header row deterministic column names
  The resulting CSV files will be quoted
  The file name is auto-generated timestamp
  Cell string data may contain a comma , however quotes will be removed
  Cell string data may contain only utf-8 characters

let nativeCSV = ( ( _d )=>{
let oCnt, jnCSV, sCSV, blCSV, elCSV;  //  config, json, array, blob, and element
let retObj = {
    "init": ( _oCnt )=>{
        oCnt = _oCnt;
        if( oCnt.fileName.indexOf("####") !== -1) {
            oCnt.fileName = oCnt.fileName.replace("####", );}
        jnCSV = sCSV = blCSV = elCSV = "";
        return retObj;
    "setArray": ( _jnCSV )=>{  //  An array (rows) of arrays (cols) !jagged
        jnCSV = _jnCSV;
        if( oCnt.header ) jnCSV.unshift( oCnt.header );
        jnCSV.forEach(( aRow )=>{
            aRow.forEach(( sCol )=>{
                if( typeof sCol === "string"){
                    sCSV += oCnt.delimQuote + sCol
                        .split( oCnt.delimQuote ).join("");
                    sCSV += oCnt.delimQuote + oCnt.delimCol;                       
            sCSV = sCSV.slice(0, -1) + oCnt.delimLine;
        return retObj;
    "getBlob": ()=>{
        blCSV = new Blob([ sCSV ], { type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8;" });
        return retObj;
    "createLink": ()=>{
        elCSV = _d.createElement("a");
        elCSV.setAttribute("href", URL.createObjectURL( blCSV ));
        elCSV.setAttribute("download", oCnt.fileName ); = 'hidden';
        _d.body.appendChild( elCSV );
        return retObj;
    "clickLink": ()=>{;
        return retObj;
    "removeLink": ()=>{
        _d.body.removeChild( elCSV );
        return retObj;
return retObj;
})( document );

console.log( nativeCSV.init({  //  Usage: 
"delimCol": ",",
"delimQuote": '"',
"delimLine": "\n",
"fileName": "graph_nodes_####.csv",
"header": ["id","name", "FQDN"]})
.setArray( currentGraph2Array(jCurrentGraph) )


PWA Add to Home Screen
PWA Add to Home Screen
Progressive Web App ⚡ Advanced Cache && Notification Patterns
/*     ______   __     __     ______    
      /\  == \ /\ \  _ \ \   /\  __ \   
      \ \  _-/ \ \ \/ ".\ \  \ \  __ \  
       \ \_\    \ \__/".~\_\  \ \_\ \_\ 
        \/_/     \/_/   \/_/   \/_/\/_/  ✨ Add to Home Screen
 if ("serviceWorker" in navigator) {
    window.addEventListener("load", () => {

let eA2hs = oD.getElementsByClassName("js-a2hs")[0];
let eA2hsP = oD.getElementsByClassName("js-a2hs--post")[0];

eA2hs.addEventListener("click", (e) => { = "none"; = "block";
      .then((choiceResult) => {
        if (choiceResult.outcome === "accepted") {
          if( snck ) neodigmToast.q("Wow, Now I'm an App on your Desktop|How Convenient!");
          playAudioFile( 7 );  //  ggl tag event | User accepted the A2HS prompt
        } else {
          playAudioFile( 3 );  //  ggl tag event | User dismissed the A2HS prompt
        evDefPrompt = null;

function displayMsg( sMsg ){
    //    System Tray Notification
    if (!("Notification" in window)) {
        console.log('Notification API not supported.');
    } else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
        // If it's okay let's create a notification
        var notification = new Notification( Nowish(), {icon: "", body: sMsg} );
    } else if (Notification.permission !== "denied") {
        // Otherwise, we need to ask the user for permission
        Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
            // If the user accepts, let's create a notification
            if (permission === "granted") {
                var notification = new Notification( Nowish(), {icon: "", body: sMsg} );

/*    ╔═╗┌─┐┬─┐┬  ┬┬┌─┐┌─┐
 *    ╚═╗├┤ ├┬┘└┐┌┘││  ├┤ 
 *    ╚═╝└─┘┴└─ └┘ ┴└─┘└─┘
 *    ╦ ╦┌─┐┬─┐┬┌─┌─┐┬─┐  
 *    ║║║│ │├┬┘├┴┐├┤ ├┬┘  
 *    ╚╩╝└─┘┴└─┴ ┴└─┘┴└─  Advanced Cache ⚡ Notifications
workbox.LOG_LEVEL = "debug";
self.addEventListener("fetch", event => {
    .then(cachedResponse => {
        if (cachedResponse) {
          return cachedResponse;
        return fetch(event.request);
  // Cache CSS files
  // Use cache but update in the background ASAP
    cacheName: 'css-cache',
  // Cache image files
  // Use the cache if it's available
    cacheName: 'image-cache',
    plugins: [
      new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
        maxEntries: 256, maxAgeSeconds: 172800,

class NeodigmPWA {
  init () {
      window.addEventListener('appinstalled', () => {
              neodigmToast.q("##Application Installed|Neodigm UX ✨ Scott C. Krause")
     8 )
              if( dataLayer ) dataLayer.push({'event': 'appinstalled'})
          }, 1200)
let neodigmPWA = new NeodigmPWA()


HTML data attrib to JavaScript camel-case dataset
HTML data attrib to JavaScript camel-case dataset
Convert an HTML formatted data attrib name to a JS formatted name.
// Desc: data-is-whatever will be converted to isWhatever
// Usage: element.dataset[ data2prop("data-is-whatever") ]
/*______ _____ __  __           _____           _       _   
 |  ____/ ____|  \/  |   /\    / ____|         (_)     | |  
 | |__ | |    | \  / |  /  \  | (___   ___ _ __ _ _ __ | |_ 
 |  __|| |    | |\/| | / /\ \  \___ \ / __| '__| | '_ \| __|
 | |___| |____| |  | |/ ____ \ ____) | (__| |  | | |_) | |_ 
 |______\_____|_|  |_/_/    \_\_____/ \___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|
                                                 | |        
                                                 |_|        ES2021*/

function data2prop( sDset ){  //  Convert HTML data attrib name to JS dataset name
    sDset = sDset.replace("data-", "").toLowerCase();
    let aDset = sDset.split(""), aDret = [], bUpper = false;
    aDset.forEach( ( sChar ) => {
        if( sChar == "-" ){
            bUpper = true;
            aDret.push( ( bUpper ) ? sChar.toUpperCase() : sChar );
            bUpper = false;
    return aDret.join("");


Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Oracle PL/SQL Stored Procedure
Vintage Stored Procedure to denormalize department codes
--  ███████  ██████  ██      
--  ██      ██    ██ ██      
--  ███████ ██    ██ ██      
--       ██ ██ ▄▄ ██ ██      
--  ███████  ██████  ███████  Relational ⚡ Transactional
--              ▀▀           
PROCEDURE post_stage
    in_rowid_job            cmxlb.cmx_rowid,
    in_ldg_table_name       cmxlb.cmx_table_name,
    in_stg_table_name       cmxlb.cmx_table_name,
    out_error_msg      OUT  cmxlb.cmx_message,
    out_return_code    OUT  int
sql_stmt varchar2(2000);
t_party_acct_id varchar2(14);
t_txn_div_cd varchar2(20);
t_txn_div_display varchar2(50);
commit_count NUMBER := 0;
commit_inc NUMBER := 1000;
    commit_inc := to_number(GET_PARAMETER('post_stage_commit', commit_inc));
    IF in_ldg_table_name = 'C_LDG_PTAC_TXN_DIV' AND in_stg_table_name = 'C_STG_PTAC_TXN_DIV' THEN
    --    20130225 SCK Update the stage txn_div_display col with a denormalized string derived
    --    from an aggregate of both staging and base object. 
    --    🏄 SQL ⚡ ETL MDM ⚡ PL/SQL ORM
        cmxlog.debug ('ADDUE: Landing table name is ' || in_ldg_table_name || ' Staging table name is ' || in_stg_table_name);
              FOR R_PTAC_TXN in C_PTAC_TXN LOOP
                    post_stage_concat(R_PTAC_TXN.PARTY_ACCT_ID, t_txn_div_display);
                    UPDATE C_STG_PTAC_TXN_DIV
                    SET txn_div_display = t_txn_div_display, create_date = sysdate WHERE TXN_DIV_CD = R_PTAC_TXN.TXN_DIV_CD AND
                    commit_count := commit_count + commit_inc;
                    IF MOD(commit_count, 1000) = 0 THEN
                        cmxlog.debug ('ADDUE: post_stage_concat is: ' || commit_count || ':' || R_PTAC_TXN.PARTY_ACCT_ID || ' : ' || t_txn_div_display);
                    END IF;
              END LOOP;
      CMXlog.debug ('ADDUE Post Stage - no action taken');
    END IF;
END post_stage;


Dark Mode and Reduced Motion
Dark Mode and Reduced Motion
Making Dark Mode work with both a UI switch && the OS preference.
//  Desc: Listen to the OS for user preference
//  but override with a UI toggle.
/*  ______                  __        ____    ____               __        
   |_   _ `.               [  |  _   |_   \  /   _|             |  ]       
     | | `. \ ,--.   _ .--. | | / ]    |   \/   |   .--.    .--.| | .---.  
     | |  | |`'_\ : [ `/'`\]| '' <     | |\  /| | / .'`\ \/ /'`\' |/ /__\\ 
    _| |_.' /// | |, | |    | |`\ \   _| |_\/_| |_| \__. || \__/  || \__., 
   |______.' \'-;__/[___]  [__|  \_] |_____||_____|'.__.'  '.__.;__]'.__.'  User Prefs */

let doPrefersReducedMotion = function( bMotion ){// Stop 3D rotation
    o3Config.controls.autoRotate = !bMotion; 
let doPrefersColorScheme = function( bScheme ){ // UI | OS Semaphore
    document.body.dataset.n55AmpmTheme = ((bScheme) ? "dark" : "light"); //  🌙  /  ☀️

// Capture the prefers media queries
const mqPrefReducedMotion = window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)");
const mqPrefColorScheme = window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme: dark)");

doPrefersReducedMotion( (mqPrefReducedMotion && mqPrefReducedMotion.matches) );
doPrefersColorScheme( (mqPrefColorScheme && mqPrefColorScheme.matches) );

// listen to changes in the media query's value
mqPrefReducedMotion.addEventListener("change", () => {
    doPrefersReducedMotion( mqPrefReducedMotion.matches );
mqPrefColorScheme.addEventListener("change", () => {
    doPrefersColorScheme( mqPrefColorScheme.matches );

/* Dark Mode begin */
/*@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {*/

    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] [role='main'] {
        background: linear-gradient(to right, #555, #c2c2c2, #555)
    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .h-bg__stripe, body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .l-caro-design > article, body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] article.l-caro-design {
        background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,#242424,#242424 24px,#444 24px,#444 48px);
    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] section.pfmf-grid > div > article {
        border: solid 1px #888;
        border-top: solid 2px #888;
        box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px -2px rgba(164,164,164,0.6);
        background-color: #242424;
    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .readable__doc { color: #fff; }
    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .readable__caption { color: #fff; }
    body[data-n55-ampm-theme='dark'] .h-vect-line-art { stroke: #fff;}
/* Dark Mode end */


Vanilla JS Popover Microinteraction
Vanilla JS Popover Microinteraction
A popover is a transient view that shows on a content screen when a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area.
//  A popover is a transient view that shows on a content screen when
//  a user clicks on a control button or within a defined area.
/*   __  __     __           __  __     __  __    
    /\ \/\ \   /\ \         /\ \/\ \   /\_\_\_\   
    \ \ \_\ \  \ \ \        \ \ \_\ \  \/_/\_\/_  
     \ \_____\  \ \_\        \ \_____\   /\_\/\_\ 
      \/_____/   \/_/         \/_____/   \/_/\/_/   */

let oPopOver = ( ( _win, _doc, _qry ) => {
        let arPops = [], ePos, iOffTop=0, iOffLft=0;
        return {  // Popover UX pattern
            "init": function(){ // wire DOM events
                arPops= [] _qry ));
                _win.addEventListener("resize", oPopOver.closeAll);
                _win.addEventListener("scroll", oPopOver.closeAll); 
                _doc.body.addEventListener("click", function( e ){ // 👁️ Outside Click
                    let eTarget =, bInside = false;
                    while( eTarget.tagName !== "HTML" ){
                        if( eTarget.dataset.popover ){ bInside = true; break; }
                        eTarget = eTarget.parentNode;
                    if( !bInside ){ // Tapped Outside of Popover
                }, true);
            "open": function(id, evPos){ // Open a single Popover
                if( arPops.length == 0) return false;
                ePos = evPos.currentTarget;
                let elPop = arPops.filter(function(el){
                    return ( == id );
                iOffTop = Number(elPop.dataset.popoverPos.split("|")[0]);
                iOffLft = Number(elPop.dataset.popoverPos.split("|")[1]);
                elPop.dataset.popover = "true"; // Open and Active
       = oPopOver.position().left+"px";
       = oPopOver.position().top+"px";
            "closeAll": function(){ // Close all Popovers
                if( arPops.length == 0) return false;
                    el.dataset.popover = "false";
            "position": function(){ // Determine Popover position
                let rec = ePos.getBoundingClientRect(),
                pxLft = _win.pageXOffset || _doc.documentElement.scrollLeft,
                pxTop = _win.pageYOffset || _doc.documentElement.scrollTop;
                return { top: ( + pxTop + iOffTop), left: (rec.left + pxLft + iOffLft) }
    })(window, document, "[data-popover]"); // Declarative implementation


Vue.js double tap Microinteraction
Vue.js double tap Microinteraction
Firing both a tap and a double-tap on the same element
//  A Vue.js snippet that shows how to capture both a tap and
//  a double-tap on the same element within the template.
//  Canonical Use Case: Double-Tap to zoom into a hero image
//  and single-tap to zoom out.

/*    ____   ____                      __        
 *    \   \ /   /_ __   ____          |__| ______
 *     \   Y   /  |  \_/ __ \         |  |/  ___/
 *      \     /|  |  /\  ___/         |  |\___ \ 
 *       \___/ |____/  \___  > /\ /\__|  /____  >
 *                         \/  \/ \______|    \/ */

 methods: {
    "doHeroMobMouseUp": function( ev ){ // Double Tap
      var oHro = this.oHeroZmMob;
      if( oHro.isInit ){
        if( oHro.doubleTap ){ // Zoom In
          oHro.doubleTap = false;
          this.doHeroMobScale( .5 ); // Double Tap
          oHro.doubleTap = true;
          setTimeout(function(){ this.doHeroMobMouseUp_expire() }, 380);
      this.oHeroZmMob.isDown = false;
    "doHeroMobMouseUp_expire": function(){ // Single Tap
      var oHro = this.oHeroZmMob;
      if( oHro.isInit ){ // Zoom Out
        if( oHro.doubleTap ) this.doHeroMobScale( -.5 ); // Single Tap
        oHro.doubleTap = false;
 This is only part of a larger Vue gesture implementation supporting
 Pinch 🤏, Zoom, Pan, and Swipe. Reach out to me if you want to learn more.


CSS Advanced Accessibility
CSS Advanced Accessibility
Motion, theme, and skip A11Y CSS solutions
/* Skip to Main Content - CSS Focus rules that make the
link visible when focused from the omnibox.
====  ========  ========  =====  ====  =
===    =====    ======    =====   ==   =
==  ==  ======  ========  ======  ==  ==
=  ====  =====  ========  ======  ==  ==
=  ====  =====  ========  =======    ===
=        =====  ========  ========  ====
=  ====  =====  ========  ========  ====
=  ====  =====  ========  ========  ====
=  ====  ===      ====      ======  ====
======================================== */

a.skip__main:active, a.skip__main:focus {
    background-color: #fff;
    border-radius: 4px;
    border: 2px solid #000;
    color: #000;
    font-size: 1em;
    height: auto; width: 16%;
    left: auto;
    margin: 8px 42%;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 4px;
    text-align: center;
    top: auto;
    z-index: 1024;
a.skip__main {
    left: -1024px;
    overflow: hidden;
    position: absolute;
    top: auto;
    width: 1px; height: 1px;
    z-index: -1024;
/* Dark Mode begin */
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    body, [role='main'] {
        background: linear-gradient(to right, #555, #c2c2c2, #555)
    .h-bg__stripe, .l-caro-design > article, article.l-caro-design {
        background: repeating-linear-gradient(45deg,#bbb,#bbb 24px,#ddd 24px,#ddd 48px);
/* Dark Mode end */

/* Reduced Motion begin*/
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
    .hero__vect { animation: none; }
/* Reduced Motion end*/

<a class="js-skip__main--id skip__main"
href="#a11y-skipmain">Skip to Main Content</a>


Cypress E2E Quality Assurance
Cypress E2E Quality Assurance
End to End testing 🚀 Headless browser automation
/*    _____                               
     /  __ \                              
     | /  \/_   _ _ __  _ __ ___  ___ ___ 
     | |   | | | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ __/ __|
     | \__/\ |_| | |_) | | |  __/\__ \__ \
      \____/\__, | .__/|_|  \___||___/___/.io
             __/ | |                      
            |___/|_|                      E2E

✅ Automatically capture a video when a test fails
✅ Test values persisted in the Vuex (Vue.js Vuex specific) store
✅ Apply optional configuration files via the command line
✅ Test the uploading of images
✅ Create custom reusable, and chainable commands, such as cy.signIn() or cy.turnOnFeature()
✅ Test responsive layout & Local Storage
✅ Test A11y WCAG success criteria  */

describe('E2E test | Hotel navigation, selection, and discovery', () => {
  context('Admin Add Hotel to Event', function () { // ignore CORS
      Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false });
      it('Success Login then Save Event', () => {
          cy.viewport(1066, 600)  //  large laptop 66.563em
          cy.log( JSON.stringify(Cypress.env()) )
          let event_url;  //  The URL of the first event (default)
          let dMessage = new Date();  //  Now
          dMessage = dMessage.toDateString() + " " + dMessage.toLocaleTimeString();

          cy.tt_SignIn(Cypress.env( "mock_email" ), Cypress.env( "mock_password" ))
          .then(() => {
              cy.window().then( $win => {
                  cy.wrap( $win.system_output ).should("exist")
          cy.url().should('not.include', 'login.')
          cy.visit( Cypress.env( "e2e_url_events" ) )
          cy.url().should('include', 'events.')
          Cypress.Cookies.debug(true, { verbose: false })
          cy.get("a[href*='event-edit']" ).first().click()  //  Find the first matching link in the table.
          cy.get("#messages" ).type("{selectall}{backspace}E2E Test: " + dMessage )
          cy.get("#eventForm > > div > input" ).first().click()  //  Save change

          cy.get("#airTab" ).click()  //  select tab
          cy.get("#activate_flights" ).check();
          cy.get("#flightForm > > div > input" ).click();           

          cy.get("#vehicleTab" ).click()  //  select tab
          cy.get("#activate_vehicle" ).uncheck();
          cy.get("#vehicleForm > > div > input" ).click();   

          cy.get("#hotelTab" ).click()  //  select tab
          cy.get("#activate_hotels" ).check();
          cy.get("#hotelForm > > div > input" ).click();   

          //  Extract URL from INPUT
              .then( value => { event_url = value; });
          cy.then(() => { return cy.visit(event_url); });
  context('Choose Flight', function () {
      Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false }); // ignore CORS
      it('Success Flight added to cart', () => {
          cy.viewport(1066, 600)  //  large laptop 66.563em 
          cy.get("#from_airport" ).type( "ORD" )
          cy.get("#to_airport" ).type( "LGA" )
          cy.get("input[name='from_date']" ).click({ force: true })

          cy.route("*").as( "checkout" )

          cy.get("div.vdp-datepicker.flex-fill > div:nth-child(2) > div > span:nth-child(39)" ).first().click()
          cy.get("#search-widget-btn" ).click()
          cy.wait("@checkout" ).its('status').should('eq', 200)

              .then( ($ModalMsg) => {
                  cy.get("div.align-self-center.col-6.col-md.col-sm.col-xl.order-12.p-xs-1.text-right > button" ).first().click() 
              } )
  context('Hotel LightBox', function () {
      Cypress.on('uncaught:exception', (err, runnable) => { return false }); // ignore CORS
      it('Success Hotel added to cart', () => {
          cy.viewport(1066, 600)  //  large laptop 66.563em
          cy.get("picture > img" ).first()
              .then( ( $picture )=>{
                  cy.wrap( $picture  ).click()
                  cy.wait( 6000 )
          cy.get(".l-ltbx__image" ).first().click()  //  Cycle photos forward
          cy.get(".l-ltbx__vect--right" )
              .then( ( $arrow_right ) => {
                  cy.wait( 1000 )
                  cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
                  cy.wait( 1000 )
                  cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
                  cy.wait( 1000 )
                  cy.wrap( $arrow_right ).click()
          cy.wait( 1000 )
          cy.get(".l-ltbx__btn" ).first()  //  Cycle photos backward
              .then( ( $arrow_left ) => {
                  cy.wrap( $arrow_left ).click()
                  cy.wait( 1000 )
          cy.get(".l-ltbx__figcap").invoke("text").should("include", "4 of")
              .then( () => {
                  cy.get(".l-ltbx__vect" ).first().click()  //  Close Modal
                  cy.get("OUTPUT BUTTON.l-button" ).first().click()  //  Book Room
                      .then( () => {
                          cy.get( "A.ttfont-semibold.tttext-gray-700").first().click()  //  Change Tab
                          cy.wait( 1000 )
                          cy.get( "A.ttfont-semibold.tttext-gray-700").first().click()  //  Change Tab
                          cy.wait( 1000 )
                          cy.get( "ARTICLE SECTION BUTTON.l-button").first().click()  //  Book Room
                              .then( ()=>{
                                  cy.wait( 4000 )
                                  cy.url().should('include', '/checkout')


Asynchronous eCom Nav Category Count
Asynchronous eCom Nav Category Count
Asynchronous recursive crawl reports the total number of products by category.
// Desc:  Asynchronous recursive crawl report the total number of products by category
// Usage: Console SNIPPET catCount.init();

/*   @@@@@@ @@@  @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ 
!@@     @@!@!@@@ @@! @@!  @@@ @@!  @@@ @@!        @!!   
 !@@!!  @!@@!!@! !!@ @!@@!@!  @!@@!@!  @!!!:!     @!!   
    !:! !!:  !!! !!: !!:      !!:      !!:        !!:   
::.: :  ::    :  :    :        :       : :: ::     :     run in console */

var catCount = (function(_d,_q){
"use strict";
let aSub = [];

return {
    init: function(){
        // Get ref to all product categories in the left nav 🛒
        aSub = [ ... _d.querySelectorAll( _q ) ].filter( ( el ) => {
            return (( el.firstChild.nodeValue ) && ( el.href ));
        } );
        aSub.forEach( ( elLink ) => {
            if( elLink ) catCount.asyncTotal( elLink );
        } );
    parse: function( _Name, _Contents ){
        let aTotl = _Contents.split("sizeTotalNumRecs");
        if( aTotl[1].split('"')[2] ){
             console.log( _Name, aTotl[1].split('"')[2]);
        return true;
    asyncTotal: function( _elLink ){
        let oXhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", _elLink.href, true);
        oXhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
            if( this.readyState!==4 || this.status!==200 ) return;
            catCount.parse( _elLink.firstChild.nodeValue, this.responseText );

})(document, "LI.item nav > a" );


Color of the Year CSS Styles
Color of the Year CSS Styles
Color of the Year 2000 thru 2021 CSS Utility classes
/* Tailwind like CSS Utility classes for the
Pantone Color of the Years from 2000 thru 2021
/*      ____             _                   
 *     |  _ \ __ _ _ __ | |_ ___  _ __   ___ 
 *     | |_) / _` | '_ \| __/ _ \| '_ \ / _ \  2000- 2021
 *     |  __/ (_| | | | | || (_) | | | |  __/
 *     |_|   \__,_|_| |_|\__\___/|_| |_|\___|  🟥 🟩 🟦 🟪 🟨 */

 /* Color of the Year begin */
 .bg-coy_2000  {background-color: #9BB7D4;}  /* Cerulean */
 .bg-coy_2001  {background-color: #C74375;}  /* Fuchsia Rose */
 .bg-coy_2002  {background-color: #BF1932;}  /* True Red */
 .bg-coy_2003  {background-color: #7BC4C4;}  /* Aqua Sky */
 .bg-coy_2004  {background-color: #E2583E;}  /* Tigerlily */
 .bg-coy_2005  {background-color: #53B0AE;}  /* Blue Turquoise */
 .bg-coy_2006  {background-color: #DECDBE;}  /* Sand Dollar */
 .bg-coy_2007  {background-color: #9B1B30;}  /* Chili Pepper */
 .bg-coy_2008  {background-color: #5A5B9F;}  /* Blue Iris */
 .bg-coy_2009  {background-color: #F0C05A;}  /* Mimosa */
 .bg-coy_2010  {background-color: #45B5AA;}  /* Turquoise */
 .bg-coy_2011  {background-color: #D94F70;}  /* Honeysuckle */
 .bg-coy_2012  {background-color: #DD4124;}  /* Tangerine Tango */
 .bg-coy_2013  {background-color: #009473;}  /* Emerald */
 .bg-coy_2014  {background-color: #B163A3;}  /* Radiant Orchid */
 .bg-coy_2015  {background-color: #955251;}  /* Marsala */
 .bg-coy_2016  {background-color: #F7CAC9;}  /* Rose Quartz */
 .bg-coy_2016b {background-color: #92A8D1;}  /* Serenity */
 .bg-coy_2017  {background-color: #88B04B;}  /* Greenery */
 .bg-coy_2018  {background-color: #5F4B8B;}  /* Ultra Violet */
 .bg-coy_2019  {background-color: #FF6F61;}  /* Living Coral */
 .bg-coy_2020  {background-color: #0F4C81;}  /* Classic Blue */
 .bg-coy_2021  {background-color: #939597;}  /* Ultimate Gray */
 .bg-coy_2021b {background-color: #F5DF4D;}  /* Illuminating */

 .text-coy_2000  {color: #9BB7D4;}  /* Cerulean */
 .text-coy_2001  {color: #C74375;}  /* Fuchsia Rose */
 .text-coy_2002  {color: #BF1932;}  /* True Red */
 .text-coy_2003  {color: #7BC4C4;}  /* Aqua Sky */
 .text-coy_2004  {color: #E2583E;}  /* Tigerlily */
 .text-coy_2005  {color: #53B0AE;}  /* Blue Turquoise */
 .text-coy_2006  {color: #DECDBE;}  /* Sand Dollar */
 .text-coy_2007  {color: #9B1B30;}  /* Chili Pepper */
 .text-coy_2008  {color: #5A5B9F;}  /* Blue Iris */
 .text-coy_2009  {color: #F0C05A;}  /* Mimosa */
 .text-coy_2010  {color: #45B5AA;}  /* Turquoise */
 .text-coy_2011  {color: #D94F70;}  /* Honeysuckle */
 .text-coy_2012  {color: #DD4124;}  /* Tangerine Tango */
 .text-coy_2013  {color: #009473;}  /* Emerald */
 .text-coy_2014  {color: #B163A3;}  /* Radiant Orchid */
 .text-coy_2015  {color: #955251;}  /* Marsala */
 .text-coy_2016  {color: #F7CAC9;}  /* Rose Quartz */
 .text-coy_2016b {color: #92A8D1;}  /* Serenity */
 .text-coy_2017  {color: #88B04B;}  /* Greenery */
 .text-coy_2018  {color: #5F4B8B;}  /* Ultra Violet */
 .text-coy_2019  {color: #FF6F61;}  /* Living Coral */
 .text-coy_2020  {color: #0F4C81;}  /* Classic Blue */
 .text-coy_2021  {color: #939597;}  /* Ultimate Gray */
 .text-coy_2021b {color: #F5DF4D;}  /* Illuminating */
 /* Color of the Year end */


Solve Anagram Puzzle
Solve Anagram Puzzle
Do two strings contain the exact amount of letters to form two words?
/* An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters
of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original
letters exactly once. For example, the word anagram itself can be
rearranged into nag a ram, also the word binary into brainy. 🎯 🍰 🔥
  /_\  _ __   __ _  __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___  
 //_\\| '_ \ / _` |/ _` | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \ 
/  _  \ | | | (_| | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | |
\_/ \_/_| |_|\__,_|\__, |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|
                 |___/                     */

//  Determine if two strings are Anagrams
function isAnagram( word1 = "DOCTORWHO", word2 = "TORCHWOOD"){
  let uc1 = word1.toUpperCase(), uc2 = word2.toUpperCase()
  return ([ ... uc1 ].filter(( c )=>{
    if( uc2.indexOf( c ) != -1 ){
      uc2 = uc2.replace( c, "" )  //  Replace First Occurrence
      return true;
  }).length === uc1.length && (!uc2))
console.warn( isAnagram("neodigm", "dogimen") );

// Palindromes | They can be read the same backwards and forwards!
// Is TACOCAT spelled backward still TACOCAT?
// People have been asking this question for thousands of years until...
// I wrote a function in JavaScript to prove it and end the debate. Palindrome in JavaScript

let isPalindrome = ( sIn = "tacocat" ) => ( sIn.split("").reverse().join("") === sIn );
 _._     _,-'""`-._
(,-.`._,'(       |\`-/|
    `-.-' \ )-`( , o o)
          `-    \`_`"'- My name is Taco! ^_^


Virtual Keyboard Extention Configuration
Virtual Keyboard Extention Configuration
TS Virtual Keyboard Chrome Extention
// TS Virtual Keyboard ⌨️ Chrome Extention | Configuration Class
 *     _______                     _                _            
 *    (_______)                   | |              (_)      _    
 *     _      _   _ ____   ____    \ \   ____  ____ _ ____ | |_  
 *    | |    | | | |  _ \ / _  )    \ \ / ___)/ ___) |  _ \|  _) 
 *    | |____| |_| | | | ( (/ / _____) | (___| |   | | | | | |__ 
 *     \______)__  | ||_/ \____|______/ \____)_|   |_| ||_/ \___)
 *           (____/|_|                               |_|         
 npm install --save @types/chrome

class AVKOptions {
    aOpts : Array<any>;
    constructor ( pAr : Array<any> = [] ) {
        this.aOpts = pAr;
    setState (  sOpt : string, bState : boolean ) : boolean{
        this.aOpts = this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
            if (e[0] === sOpt) e[1] = bState;
             return true;
        } );
        return bState;
    getState ( sOpt : string ) : boolean {
        return this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
            if (e[0] === sOpt) {
                return true;
    getFeedback ( sOpt : string ) : string {
        return this.aOpts.filter( (e) => {
            if (e[0] === sOpt) {
                return true;
export let options = new AVKOptions([["audio", false, "Click Sounds"],
["autohide", false, "Hide if not in use"], ["blur", false, "Blur Text"],
["hover", false, "Hover No Click"], ["opaque", false, "Cannot See Through"],
["scramble", false, "Rearrange Keys"], ["theme", false, "Daytime theme"]]);


Web Music Ad Blocker Snippet
Web Music Ad Blocker Snippet
Automatically mute the Music player when Ads are playing and unmute when they are done (in Chrome).
/* Install: Open Chrome Dev Tools (Command+option+I on Mac). Menu > Sources > Snippets
   Install: Create a new Snippet named musicADify.js, Paste this script, Save (Command+S).
   Usage: Run the Snippet once each time you start the Music Web Player.
   Usage: Right-Click the snippet named musicADify.js and choose Run from the drop-down.
   Usage: Close Chrome Dev Tools. 🏖️ Play your Jams! 🎶

╔═╗┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐┬┌─┐┬ ┬  ╔═╗┌┬┐┌─┐
╚═╗├─┘│ │ │ │├┤ └┬┘  ╠═╣ ││└─┐
╚═╝┴  └─┘ ┴ ┴└   ┴   ╩ ╩─┴┘└─┘ */

 let spotADify = ( (_d, _q, _t) => {
    let eS = _d.querySelector( _q ), bS = true;
    if( eS ){ // 🏖️ Play your Jams! 🎶
        bS = ( eS.getAttribute("aria-label") == "Mute" );
        setInterval( () => {spotADify.tick();}, _t);
        return {
        "tick":  () => {
          if((_d.title.indexOf("Adve") != -1) || (_d.title.indexOf("Spoti") != -1)){
              if(  bS ){; bS=!true; }
              if( !bS ){; bS=true; }
  })( document, "[aria-label='Mute'],[aria-label='Unmute']", 256);


Capture Entire DOM State into Inline CSS Snapshot
Capture Entire DOM State into Inline CSS Snapshot
Save As HTML a snapshot capture of entire DOM State with inline CSS
// Desc: Save As HTML a snapshot capture of entire DOM State with inline CSS
// Usage: Just paste this code into the console 🌴
/*  _________             __    __     ____  __.                                  
  /   _____/ ____  _____/  |__/  |_  |    |/ _|___________   __ __  ______ ____  
  \_____  \_/ ___\/  _ \   __\   __\ |      < \_  __ \__  \ |  |  \/  ___// __ \ 
  /        \  \__(  <_> )  |  |  |   |    |  \ |  | \// __ \|  |  /\___ \\  ___/ 
 /_______  /\___  >____/|__|  |__|   |____|__ \|__|  (____  /____//____  >\___  >   ES2022*/

function computedCSS2inline(element, options = {}) {
    if (!element) {
        throw new Error("No element specified.");

    if (options.recursive) {
        Array.from( element.children ).forEach(child => {
        computedCSS2inline(child, options);

    const computedStyle = getComputedStyle(element);
    //( || computedStyle)::each(property => {
        Array.from( computedStyle ).forEach(property => {[property] = computedStyle.getPropertyValue(property);
        //element.setAttribute("class", "")

computedCSS2inline(document.body, {recursive: true});

[ ... document.querySelectorAll("script, link, style")].forEach(function(s){ s.outerHTML = ""})

async function saveToFile() {
    const handle = await showSaveFilePicker({
        suggestedName: 'grabbed.html',
        types: [{
            description: 'HTML',
            accept: {'text/html': ['.html']},
    const writable = await handle.createWritable();
    await writable.write(document.body.parentNode.innerHTML);
console.log("NOTE: Run saveToFile() in console!")


Real-world Vetted Snippets